Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Entries from June 1, 2010 - July 1, 2010

Entries from June 1, 2010 - July 1, 2010


Parenting Teens: Who Is This Kid?

I am so out of it.

I didn't know what Silly Bandz are. Even worse from the hip mom point of view, I picked up the April 19th issue of People (at the dentist office) last week. That issue of People has a picture of some kid declared to be The World's Biggest Pop Star. My first thought was, “Who is this Kid"?

Do you know?

(If you are as unhip as I am scroll down for the answer.)

Justin Bieber


Cooking In The Real World: Vanilla Crack: You Have To try This!!!

I saw this recipe in The Apple Turnover Mystery where I also found the watermelon cookie recipe. It seems the idea of watermelon cookies doesn't appeal to cookie eaters. I stopped telling people the name of the cookie until after they've taken a few bites. After they've tasted it, there are no extras to be found.

Vanilla crack is a different story. Bakers are intrigued by the name. It is an aptly named cookie/candy. Very inexpensive to make, I have made it twice so far and even though everyone in my family and the kids friends claim to be on some type of diet, the cookies have lasted less then 2 hours on the kitchen counter. They wouldn't have lasted that long except for all the "dieting"going on.

The recipe calls for nuts but I never have nuts on hand, so I make it nutless. Just as addictive.

  • Sleeve Saltine crackers
  • 2 cups Butter
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 cup chopped nuts

1. Line 10 x 15" jelly roll pan with foil. Spray foil with Pam.
2. Cover the pan completely with a single layer of crackers, salt side up. (Break crackers in pieces to make them fit if you have to).
3. Combine butter, sugar, and vanilla in heavy sauce pan. Bring to full boil over medium high heat on stove top. (A full boil will have breaking bubbles all over the surface of the pan).
4. Boil for 5 minutes stirring constantly.
5. Pour mixture over the soda crackers evenly.
6. Sprinkle nuts over the top.
7. Place pan in oven and bake at 350 for 10 minutes.
8. When completely cooled break into pieces.

I, who prefer chocolate to almost any other food product know to woman, love this stuff. That is why I have only made it twice......so far.


Cooking In The Real World: Pie In A Jar

This is one of those recipes, like PMS candy or watermelon cookies, that captured my imagination. I saw this recipe on the Our Best Bites blog, where you too can find the instructions. Our Best Bites has some fanatic recipes, a site well worth a click.

Individual apple pies, in canning jars, sit in my freezer awaiting our beck and call to applely goodness. A self portioning dessert that takes long enough to bake so I can't just pop one (or more) in the oven, but short enough to have on hand when we want a little dessert one night.

My first attempt I made the dough too thick and didn't spice the filling enough, but the kids loved them (husband not so much) and so did I. I will be making them again.

Bake anything interesting lately?


Tomato Watch

We have had one lone tomato plant growing on our back porch for years. The plants never produced much, but they made the kids and I happy while watching them grow. Last year I got ambitious and tried to make my own self watering tomato planters. Oh my gosh - that was such a disaster. I still feel bad about the 3 tomato plants that did not survive that attempt.

This year I purchased a tomato altar (that is not what the manufacturer calls it). I was caught up in the upside down tomato fad and I didn't have anyhere to hang one of the tomato sacks, so I set up my altar.

To my surprise and delight, the top tomato plant is growing well. The pepper plant I bought to keep it company (I figured the poor tomato plant would not have to die alone) is also growing like gangbusters. The one growing upside down is very happy and has yet to produce any flowers, but it is in it's early days.

I am so delighted not to be a killer of plants this year!

Why I can't resize either picture I have no idea. I suspect computer gremlins....grrrrrrrrr


Parenting-Semi Adults: Growing Up

I keep seeing sites and books and videos and articles on how to raise preschoolers and young children. We did a lot of what the sites, books, videos and articles (not to mention speakers and friends) suggested. What no one mentions is that you are still parenting after the kids are teenagers, and that time of parenting is just as challenging as the early years.

But we are seeing our kids mature and “getting to be responsible adults”. Our oldest took advantage of his time in the desert as a poor but humble youth leader. He is moving this fall to be a poor but humble full time college student. One who calls his grandmother and grandfather every Sunday. (Seriously that is a wonderful thing to do.)

Our spend thrift child is working hard this summer and saving a significant percentage of her income. She is pleasant to have in the house, and has unloaded the dishwasher a few times without being asked. I am so used to unloading it myself that the first few times she did it, I thought I had done it and forgot I had done so.

We will skip over the third child for now. Yet after seeing the first two mature, I live in hope. ....3 more years.....3 more years....3 more years.

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