Entries from April 1, 2009 - May 1, 2009
Aging With Wisdom: Health Testing Recommendations For Woman Over 50. Throwing in After Age 40 As A Bonus
I found these lists online at Cookie. There are recommendations for women in their 20’s and 30’s also on the site.
After age 50
☐ Blood-pressure test: Every 1 to 2 years
☐ Cholesterol test: Every five years
☐ Tetanus-diptheria vaccine: Every 10 years
☐ Pelvic exam: Every 1 to 3 years
☐ Pap test: Every 1 to 3 years
☐ HPV test: Every 1 to 3 years
☐ Clinical breast exams: Every three years
☐ Mammograms: Every 1 to 2 years
☐ Colonoscopy: Every 10 years
After age 40
☐ Blood-pressure test: Every 1 to 2 years
☐ Cholesterol test: Every five years
☐ Tetanus-diptheria vaccine: Every 10 years
☐ Pelvic exam: Every 1 to 3 years
☐ Pap test: Every 1 to 3 years
☐ HPV test: Every 1 to 3 years
☐ Clinical breast exams: Every three years
☐ Mammograms: Every 1 to 2 years
Parenting Semi-Adults: Of Prom Dresses, Patience and Prayer
Princess is going to her boyfriend’s prom this coming weekend. Her boyfriend, here after title Mr. W(onderful) is still in high school. He is part of a circle of kids of have been friends since grade school and this is one of their last hurrahs before the separation that is college. Even though Mr. W has been dating Princess for more than two years she is not part of the circle. She is just his girlfriend, welcome in the group for his sake not for herself. The girls are nice but not friendly.
The dress Princess was looking for had to accomplish more than just clothe her. She wanted to look beautiful for Mr. W, to dress in a manner that would allow her to feel part of the group and because Mr. W attends a faith based school, the dress had to meet the dress code.
My normally confident daughter was having a difficult time finding a dress that would meet the criteria. My job was reassurance and financial aid. I am a bluntly honest mom so if I say, ”You look wonderful in that gown”, I do not mean you look fat. And she did look beautiful. There were several dresses that were more than stunning on her. Some were stunning in way too soon for Mr. W to be stunned and wouldn’t pass dress code, thank you Lord. Others didn’t have the group approval she was looking for.
I was a very patient mom. Even when we wound up driving an hour and a half in rush hour traffic after already shopping for 3 hours, I didn’t turn into the whinny mess that prolonged shopping tends to devolve me into. Both of us were a little surprised how well behaved I was. Princess did buy me coffee before our final mall trek.
At the far of mall, there was nothing…….lots of dresses, none of them what she wanted, needed or desired. We left to head back to a previous mall and just before we get to the highway Princess exclaims “There’s a David’s Bridal”. Once more into the fray!
This time I said” You know we should have prayed for the perfect dress before we started
I am going to pray now. Lord, we need a dress, could we find the perfect one at David’s Bridal please?”I am an efficient petitioner.
God is a gracious answerer. I kid you not, Princess walked into the shop, looked left and there was THE DRESS! She looked like a Princess!
13And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. 14You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14
Even a prom dress….For your glory and Princess’ good…..Thank you Lord.
Aging With Adventure: Coffee and Monday Mornings
Sometimes one must state the obvious: It is too difficult to make coffee in the morning before you have had coffee. It is especially difficult to do so on Mondays.
Anyone else have a Monday Morning Challenge?
Tales From Yesteryear: In the Years Before Pong
Dear Aurora,
Before Pong and entertainment systems, there was TheOutside. That is where parents tossed their kids to play. Our parents provided us with the coolest toy money couldn't buy: The Climbing Tree. Aunt Marguerite reminisced:
“The Climbing Tree, better than a Play Station Wii and X Box combined.It had everything, it could fit lots of kids, 3 special seats, acockpit for the rocket ship, uneven bars, if you knocked out the boardthe long branch turned into a horse. There was beauty in the springand ammunition for crab apple fights in the summer.”
Tucked in the side yard we traveled to the moon, fought bad guys, and were kissing bees, played Batman and Robin. The campy Batman and Robin from the old TV show, not the hyper violent, totally emo one portrayed in current movies.
If you don’t know what Pong is ask your dad.
More to come….
Love Aunt Carissa
Parenting Semi-Adults: The Taxman Cometh
There are people you can mess with. Parents, high school teachers, employers are high on the list of people young adults can ignore while expecting small consequences to themselves. Parents love you, teachers will be gone next year and there is always another job (at least in their minds.)The adults that inhabit my children’s world are for the most part benign. Policemen are less friendly depending on how fast you were driving.
The taxman is unlike any other adult they have encountered. Unlike the rest, he is nameless, faceless and could care less about you. He exists for one purpose and one only: to make sure you pay what you own to the government for the privilege of our government allowing you to keep some of what you worked hard to earn. Period. Pay on time or pay more.
After over hearing a man in the tire repair shop talking about how his 18 year old will not file and pay the tax he owes, I realize we are not alone in our child thinking that the taxman is the equivalent to the boogey man. A fairytale used by adults to scare children into doing what they otherwise don’t desire to do.
I am about to engage in battle with the 19 year old. There are somethings you don’t get to decide not to do and that you will take the consequences, at least not while you live here. One is mess with IRS. I’d rather battle the 19 year old now than let her “take the consequences” later.
I know the taxman is not the same as the bogeyman.
And one way or another…. he cometh
Anyone Tea Party yeasterday?
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