Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Entries from June 1, 2009 - July 1, 2009

Entries from June 1, 2009 - July 1, 2009


Parenting Teens: There is Always Something To Worry About

The kids are going to Power Plant instead of World Changers this year. World Changers is a service outreach evangelism project. The kids share to gospel and God’s love while repairing people’s houses. The service usually involves repairing roofs. Roofs are usually located high enough off ground that falling off would involve some level of injury. The service projects seem to be scheduled in the hottest areas of the country and involve traveling at least 6 hours from home.

My kids have loved these evangelistic out reaches. It is a measure of how much I trust our church staff that they get to go each year. Each year I would worry and pray for the kids’ safety.

This year they are going to Power Plant. A church planting outreach in hot areas of the country at least 6 hours from home. No roofs were involved so I was not concerned this year about my kids safety. Actually I was so unconcerned I didn’t go to the information meetings.

My Mistake. While there is no roof repair involved the ministry takes place in some gang controlled areas of Atlanta. Gangs as in do not where black, blue, red or purple. As in do not wear a ball cap. As in mom will be worrying and letting worry direct me to prayer again this year.

19Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. Eph 6

That is my prayer for them this year. I am grateful they are not in chains.


Parenting Teens: Power Plant Here They Come!

What a difference a year makes. Last year getting the kids ready for World Changers was exhausting. And they wanted to go.

This year they are going to Power Plant and they are already packed!

Dare I say it....I think they are maturing.

Be still my heart!

4I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John


The Grandkids Are Coming: VBS

Vacation Bible Schools are a fun, educational, inexpensive, daily, safe, faith building experiences for your grand kids if they are staying for the week. These are not your parent's VBS’s. Some meet during the day, others in the evening.

Check out this one North Wake’s Runners Camp.

The Boomerang Express is another popular VBS in our area.

To find one in your area check local churches’ web sites.


The Grandkids Are Coming: A Few More Thing to Think About Before They Arrive

Inexpensive toys that don’t take up space such as washable markers or colored pencils, coloring books, drawing pads, Hot Wheels type cars, beads for stringing jewelry, puzzle books, bubbles, puzzles, a couple of decks of cards you don’t mind getting destroyed are very handy to have in the house. Dollar stores are a good source of craft materials and jigsaw puzzles.

Some kids like card games like Skippo and Uno or board games. If you can find the board games at a yard sale so much the better.

Kids ages 8+ like card games. Brush up on the rules to some before they arrive. My grandmother taught me to play ginrummy. If you have a crowd of kids murder is a popular card game. Major cool grandparent points for knowing how to play.

A few deck of cards for building cardhouses will keep kids TV free on a rainy or hot afternoon.

Kids also like dice games. Our local dollar store carries dice.

If you don’t have access to a pool, younger children enjoy kiddy pools and sprinklers.

Childproof your home if your grandkids are little and mobile. You might think that children should be taught not to touch things not belonging to them but do you really want them learning this life lesson around your Ming vase? Put away that which is precious and breakable even if the kids are older. Wrestling matches happen appropriate to the room or not.

If you are keeping your grandkids for a while consider asking for and getting a emergency consent form from their parents in case the grandkids need medical care. Make sure the form is notarized by a parent and get a copy (front and back) of the child’s insurance card.


Parenting In The Real World: Comeuppance Tee…Hee

Our 21 year old observed of the 14 year olds in his charge,” They have all the arrogance of college professors without actually knowing anything.”

Most moms have to wait until their kids have kids to experience the pure glee of this moment!

Anyone want to share a moment of glee?

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