Entries from January 1, 2009 - February 1, 2009
Using Handmade Treasures
My sisters Isadora and Cassandra made these beautiful homemade gifts for Christmas. Again I am struggling with using beautiful things. Isadora said she could just make more. Maybe….not having my son home for Christmas has made me hyper-sensitive to how life is changing. What was might not be. I get that way about things I received from family. My mother insisted I take the “family chandelier”. At the time I didn’t really want it. The chandelier is all glass and crystals, more maintenance than I want in an overhead fixture. Now it is a treasure.
I am going to use the hand knit wash cloths and the handmade bath scrubs (yum!) and enjoy them even thought I am tempted to put both away for a “special time” for two reasons 1) Because they were made with love and the makers would enjoy knowing their crafts were used and 2) God is good. Life changes. I may have a struggle accepting the changes. The character of God remains constant…..
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29
Parenting Teens: The Double Standard
When I was a girl, boys played school supported sports and girls did not. Title IX (a bit of history I firmly think all mothers should inform their daughters of. Title IX changed girls’ lives in ways they now thankfully take for granted) kicked in and that double standard bit the dust.
When I was a young woman, boys would be boys, wink, wink and girls would be virgins or sluts. I became a believer and the same standards of purity applies to all. Another double standard bit the dust.
The glass ceiling still exists but is getting thinner. Compared to the opportunities my mom had in the work force we have come a long way baby. Admittedly, there is a ways to go but you can see the cracks and even some holes in that double standard.
The one I didn’t see coming this the one I live with almost daily ”You are the adult and therefore have to be perfect: I am the kid and I get as much leeway as I desire”.
The double standard plays out in all kinds of ways:
The teen says something mean, then apologizes (or not) all pain his words have caused must thereby dissipate. I say something mean (it happens); apologize and the teen get to wallow in poutiness.
The teen borrows money, more than likely I will forgive (or most likely forget) the debt. I borrow a dollar and I have to pay back on demand. There is no debt forgiveness for the mom.
I (for whatever reason) can’t follow through on what I have committed to do; I am a failure as a parent. When the teen fails to do what she is supposed to, whatever her reason is for not following through, it is justified and not to be questioned.
As your parent, I will always love you, even if you are not too loveable right now. That is a double standard I can get behind.
Do you have a teen enforced double stand to share? If you are a teen you can share (politely) a parent double standard. We all know there are none but feel free to share.
Aging with Grace: A Perfect Day
It started the night before. Snow was threatening, before even a flake was seen schools and churches and businesses announced they were closed. We already had all the snow survival essentials: milk, eggs, bread, plastic bags (in lieu of boots), chocolate chips and coffee. My children were all off the road by ten and my husband arrived home from work at 10:30. By 10:45 pm the house was secure, it was time for sleep.
I woke up around eight to a winter wonderland. Snow brings that unique hushrd stillness both inside and outside the house. Everyone still asleep, I discovered some forgotten strawberries in the freezer. Fresh baked strawberry muffins and coffee and still no one awake.
At round 12, we watched history in the making as the 44th president of the United States was sworn in. I did not vote for him but I share the hopes of many as he takes his place on the world stage.
By one, the kids were out somewhere sledding, my husband was working in the extra bedroom and miracle of miracles Real Simple arrived in the mail. An afternoon to read, knit, pray, bake cookies and drink coffee. It is quite, everyone is content
Later, I will make dinner and everyone will be home so we can eat together......perfect
What is your perfect day like?
Jesus and the Feminists
My friend has published a book! Not just dreamed about it or worked on one. I have it here in my hot little hands. It has a bound cover and a title and her name on it! This woman is so modest she quietly mentioned she had a book coming out back in October as we were driving to our church women’s retreat. (Don’t knock them, till you tried one.)
So here is my brief review of Margaret Elizabeth Kostenberger’s book Jesus and the Feminists (JaTF).
Jesus and the Feminists is an survey of feminist scholarship focusing on Jesus and his relationship to women with emphasis on how Jesus' treatment of women during his ministry on earth effects how we are to view women and leadership roles in the modern church. Kostenberger’s book is intended for classroom use on the college and seminary level. Given the intended purpose of the book, Kostenberger is an engaging writer who strives to be fair and balanced in her portrayals of the varying feminist view of Jesus and the role of women church leadership. Her balance is all the more noted because she herself does not share the same view as the group she is surveying.
Because the topic is of interest to me I found the book to be an informative read. Surprisingly readable, it is a college text after all, the only drawback as a casual reader I had was I wasn’t familiar with some of the background reading Kostenberger referred too. An appendix would have been useful but I quickly found what I needed on the internet.
Kostenberger divided feminist though into three categories: Radial Feminism, Reformist Feminism and Evangelical Feminist. With each author she highlights in each category she provides a brief summary of the author educational and religious background, major writing, type of feminist and the authors view of Jesus. A useful scorecard for the casual reader.
What surprised me while reading were the chapters focusing on the Evangelical Feminist. Being both Evangelical and pro woman myself, I expected to have much in common with this line of thought. That was not the case but it did make for interesting abet disappointing reading.
Jesus and the Feminists while primary written for an academic audience would be useful, engaging and informative reading to any reader interested in the topic.
Good job friend.
Why Is It Harder to Maintain Good Habits than Bad Ones
Here I am again losing the same 20, 30, 40 whatever pounds….again.. Why is that! It is not lack of knowledge, nor a lack of spiritual understanding or a lack of opportunity. I vow not to watch too much TV, to read the great books written by now dead great men and a few great women, to exercise more, sleep enough. I still watch too much TV, I have read all of Jane Austen’s books, that has to count for something and I usually get enough sleep. I swear not to yell at my kids….I yell.
There are some good habits I maintain. I brush and floss twice a day (although my new dentist has informed me I am an “aggressive brusher” and have to relearn how to brush my teeth). I get the wash done and the grocery shopping done so we lack neither bread nor milk. I post regularly and am fanatic about getting the e-card drops completed.
I make it a point to learn how to do new things (usually having to do with cooking, that may be connected to the weight gain habit). I try to make new friends on a regular basis and attempt to keep up with old one. I will with great reluctance learn new technology. That happens only after the inconvenience of not using new technology outweighs the pain of having to adjust again to a new way of doing something. It is not like I can’t learn and retain new skills.
Why is it so hard, not to lose weight, I am a pro at weight loss but to keep it off!
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