Entries from June 1, 2008 - July 1, 2008
Aging with Adventure: Sometimes Your Heart Has to Catch Up To Your Body
A while back, I wrote about making friends after a certain age. We have been involved with our church community for about two and a half years. My husband and youngest child adapted to this church body immediately. The teens struggled. One still straddles between the two churches. The other returned to our former church the moment we told her the choice of where to worship and serve was now hers.
It is a truism that we should follow our hearts. In this circumstance, my heart had to follow my body. I realized that a change was starting one Wednesday night as I drove to discipleship class alone, again. My husband works long hours to support our family. His hard work gives me a lot of freedom I wouldn’t have if I were working outside our home. Therefore, I participate in some church related activities alone. This wasn’t a problem in our former church. I had deep roots there, a long history with many people I loved. It wasn’t hard to go by myself because I knew I would be going home.
For all my outgoing ways, I am, in the core of my being, a shy person. It takes me a while to warm up to new people and new circumstances. I was driving along that Wednesday night, complaining how much I hate this, I hate going to church alone. Within my heart, the Holy Spirit said, “No you don’t.” Of course, I have to argue with God, “What do you mean? Yes, I do.” Again in my heart (this is not a voice in my head, so don’t get all weird on me), the Spirit spoke, “You did at one time. But, now you don’t.” I was shocked to realize this was true. I was complaining because I like to complain. I really didn’t hate going by myself any more. It was uncomfortable but, so what. If I only did in life the things I was comfortable with, I would have had only one child, walked only one marathon, and missed some unique friendships.
The next step in my heart catching up with my body came while at the Woman’s Night of Worship at our former church. Previously I have enjoyed this event. It gave me a change to catch up with old friends I haven’t seen in a while. This time, I am green with envy. I had this close fellowship with other women at one time and I am sitting there listening to those same women now share what God is doing in their lives. I am thinking, “I had this. I want this. This is not fair!” Again, the Spirit spoke to my heart, "You want the right thing in the wrong place.” Again, I was shocked that this was true. Our former church, while wonderful, was no longer my spiritual home. I have a different spiritual home.
My heart has finally caught up with my body. As the Lord leads, I am planting roots in our current church home. It is hard to enjoy what the Lord is giving you now, when you keep looking back at what He once gave you but, that is gone.
I have some friends. I am building a history with women I like. My heart and my body are finally in the same place. I am whole once again. Thank You Lord.
WIi, Wii, Wii for Me, Me, ME Week 2
I have lost a pound. I have spent a little less than 4 hours over the last week or so playing on the Wii. I like the yogi moves and the balance games.
There only down side is I can't reset the leader boards. The kids have dominated the top spots and I get bummed at always being in 5th or 6th place.
A nice feature for the next release of Wii Fit would be the option to have group leader boards or individual ones. Another nice feature would be to be able to program a series of exercises so I don't waste time stopping and starting as I do the yogi or strength training exercises.
The toughest game for me is the soccer header game in aerobics. The goal of the game is to hit with your head as many of the soccer balls as you can, avoiding the soccer shoes and panda heads to score the most points. I know my head is not going to make contact with the ball flying at me from the screen but I still duck anyway. My score is dismal.
I am still having fun!
CSA Adventure: What Dill I Do
This is the last week for strawberries, lettuce, snap peas and spinach. I didn't realize what a short growing season greens have in our area.
The lettuce is still bitter but I have been making a vinaigrette of 3 parts olive oil, 1 part balsamic vinegar, dash of mustard (mustard helps the oil and vinegar to stay emulsified) and 3 big sprinkles of grated Parmesan cheese. Mix all the ingredients well and toss on the salad greens. The acid of the vinaigrette blend nicely with the bitterness of the salad greens.
In addition to the above, my box this week were onions, a head of butter leaf lettuce and a ....cabbage. Cabbage is like pancake mix. You could grow it/make it from scratch but who does? I have never though of cabbage as a vegetable that might be grown by some one you know. I've received homegrown tomatoes, green squash, green beans before. No one has ever offered me a cabbage fresh from their garden. It's a cute little cabbage and it is destined to be sauted in a little olive oil with onions, new potatoes and garlic.
Not in my box but in the grocery store this week were cherries. I love cherries. They are a truly seasonal fruit. If you love them, go get some or they will be done again till next year!
Parenting Teens: The Office
Disclaimer: The following post was writen while enduring a third half hour of The Office on TIVO. The writer is not in her normal sane mind.
I admit I am the one who doesn’t get the joke. I didn’t get SNL in the 80’s or Lettermen in the 90’s. Now it is The Office.
I have my oldest soon to be disowned child to thank for addicting the younger two and our live in extra child to this mind numbingly dumb program. Three of them plus TIVO. They can watch the same show again and again and again. The Office is like SpongeBob SquarePants for the older set. Just thinking about either of those shows causes brains cells to die. I’m sure that no brainwaves would register if an EKG were administered to someone while viewing it.
I watch them watching The Office and they giggle. I’m not surprised the girls giggle. That is what girls do. But the boys….? Young men…? There is an occasional chortle, even a guffaw. They emit mostly deep masculine giggles but giggles nonetheless.
I just don’t get it. I have tried to watch this show. I think it is silly, crude and annoying. The kids love it.
Maybe I’m just too old for this.
Parenting Teens: In Praise of 13
Thirteen is that in-between year. You enter it an older child and exit it a very, very young adult. I have a thirteen year old. Actually this is my 4th thirteen year old. She is my second daughter and youngest child. With her turning 13 our family leaves behind childhood.
She is smart, pretty and at times challenging. Watching her mind work is fascinating and a little scary. Thirteen is the age where you can where makeup outside our house, the age of your first crush, the age you are sure your parents know little and understand less. When you are the fourth child you have way more information about the world than you siblings did at the same age. It is all to easy to think information is the same as life experience. Such is the challenge of thirteen.
To the funny, smart (occasionally impertinent) thirteen year old who enlivens my days, I glad you are here . It is both a pleasure and a challenge to be your mother and you know I love a good challenge.
And I love you .
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