Entries from March 1, 2009 - April 1, 2009
Aging With Adventure: A Week of No Complaining
I have been thinking about this for a while: A week of no complaining. 7 days, 168 hours, 10,080 minutes, 604,800 seconds free of whining, moaning, grumbling…..see the list below. I have been dreaming, scheming and planning some way to enforce this on my family. Since I can’t do that I will try it for myself. Starting Sunday March 8th at 12AM EST until Saturday March 14th At 11:59:59PM the adventure in not complaining will commence.
I expect this will be a glorious failure, on the par with the Charge of the Light Brigade or the Apollo 13 moon mission. It should be noted that everyone died in the Charge of the Light Brigade, so I am thinking this adventure will be more Apollo 13ish.
Would you care to give this adventure a try? Perhaps for a 24 hour period instead for 10,080 minutes (that does sound like a lot of time not to deprecate)? I have a Mr. Linky and I might even able to figure out how to use it by Monday.
I will be offering a contest (bribe) to e-card users, leave a comment 1 entry, write a post and link either in a comment or the hopefully up Mr. Linky 2 entries. Twitter, tweet, facebook, stumble etc 2 more enteries, just leave a comment telling what you did. 2 lucky randomly chosen winners will get 500ec’s each. All entrants will get a shout out link in a summery post the following week.
PS: I am so not telling my family I am doing this!!
·To Complain is to: To express an objection and/or
remonstrate, grumble, whine, find fault, disapprove, accuse, deplore, criticize, denounce, dissent, cavil, charge, bring charges, report adversely on, reproach, oppose, contravene, whimper, nag, fret, repine, protest, fuss, moan, growl, grump, murmur, mutter, make a fuss about, take exception to, object to, deprecate, enter a demurrer, demur, expostulate, carp, attack, refute, countercharge, air a grievance, lodge a complaint, howl, grouse, kick, grouch, gripe, grunt, beef, bellyache, crab, squawk, tattle, kick up a fuss, make noises about, raise a howl, raise a fuss, make a stink, moan and groan, kvetch; see also accuse, censure, oppose
Antonyms sanction, approve*, countenance. * copied from Your Dictionary.Com
Parenting Teens: You Are Being Ridicules
This is a phase my teens toss out in the heat of disagreement from time to time. (Yes, we disagree from time to time, loudly I might add. If this never happens with your teens count your blessings and quietly return to NeverLand)
This phase is usually tossed into the conversation right after I have pronounced some form of discipline. For example: You have to go to school five days a week, on time, except for one late day per week, to get the opportunity to used an available car on the weekend. In response to this parental fiat I was deemed to be RIDICULES. My expectation is just short of unconstitutional and unreasonable because it is not doable.
Some parents might think this phase to be rude or disrespectful. I think it is… permission. I smile upon its utterance…the teens quall slightly at their strategic mistake.
When you have a mother who is annoyed with you, who has a creative and innovative mind, it is so not a smart move to tell her she is ridicules.
She just might decide to prove your pronouncement correct … (cue scary laughter)
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